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37.9838096, 23.7275388
Fri. 7. [7 April 1899] Hot sun. Mr Bell came and we all went to the
Acropolis, I with Miss Harrison's book. Mr Bell took us up the
scaffolding to see what remains of the frieze, an exquisite bit where
the procession is stopping. We stayed till 1. After lunch Papa and I
shopped, then up to the Acropolis where we found Uncle Tom
sketching, and presently Mr Aide and Mr Heard [see Hird], an
authorlet of sorts. With them to the A. Museum - full of lovely archaic
things and the Nikes! Home to tea. We dined at the Legation,
Egertons very friendly. Mr Spicer sat on the other side of me. Mr
Corbett was there, Mr Aide, Mr Hearn [i.e. Hird[?]], 2 dim people and
an interesting Greek man of letters. Sir Edward Law came in just
before we left.