Proclamation. Nov 11th 1918. Baghdad.J.J.S [on front of item] Peace Celebration - Nov. 1918 [on back of item] Key: [Gertrude Bell has indicated the following people with numbers on the front of the photograph, the key is typed on the back of the photograph] 1 - Gen. Sir W.R Marshall, G.O.C - in-Chief, M.E.F. 2 - Lt. -Colonel A.T. Wilson, Actg: Civil Commissioner for Mesopotamia. 3 - E.J. Curmi, Superintendent of the vernacular office of the Civil Commissioner fro Mesopotamia. 4 - The Head Priest of the Shi?aah sect, Muhammedan Faith, at Kadhimain, an outskirt of Baghdad. 5 - The eldest son of the Naqib-ul-Ashraf of Baghdad. 6 - Armenian Bishop. 7 - Syrian Archbishop. 8 - Daud Beg Daghestani, son of Gen Muhammad Fadhel Daghestani, who fought the British under command of Khalil Pasha and was killed in action near Kut. [Officers, troops and crowds gathered in the Square around the flagstaff to hear the Commander in Chief?s Proclamation at the end of WW1]
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Photograph of the proclomation of peace in Baghdad, 1918
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Wilson, A.T.
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