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8.9806034, 38.7577605
5 Sept.
British Legation,
Adis Ababa.
My dear Gertrude
Last week I wrote to no one – not even to you – it didn’t seem any good – I felt as it might be in some circle of the inferno – its idiotic all that for I have no use for the blue devils – and now I’m better, but only a little – yesterday I sent my last desperate telegram to try to get out – if they refuse again (and they ought to have sent back the blameless Thesiger) then its all over and I’m finally done. Yes you knew very well – how I love your letters my dear – you knew very well how I should hate prison here, while the fight of fights goes gaily on – But then, don’t lets talk about it. We have papers up to the 5th August only - & since then telegrams belated & abbreviated – the upshot being that we stand only along the Somme & the Germans fly aeroplanes over Paris. With all you say of the politics I agree, but now I think of nothing but the fight – the years-long German plans & their cunning & strength, I don’t care about them now – it is only what happens in the harvest of them –
War is awful & all that, we know, none better – but it does good also, men are better or worse men in war, like love – it lifts & alters and rubs true –
These people here are chattering & seething & beginning to dance – any excuse and they would fight – I don’t care – what does it matter when one’s whole soul is in France? But they shan’t fight if I can help it, unless Italy turned against us – But thank goodness that isn’t in the least likely so far as I know. She will in the end I think have to fight for us, or we shall have to fight for her rather –
You have many concerns in the fight Gertrude and my brother so far as I know was not allowed away from his command at Plymouth – How sick he will be! but still he knows what is going on & I don’t.
Everything seems well done so far - & bravely & smoothly – that is the good of it –
Its so nice, so very comforting to know that you out of the war can spare me part of your mind, part of your time - & write me things – Such things you write, just what I want to know –
They have just told me – Italian Minister’s official news – that the French Govt have left Paris – this will have a bad effect I think in some places, though if I am right it only means they want a quiet corner to think in, while the soldiers fight on.
This place is full of Germans & Austrians of the baser sort mostly – and they lie loudly to the Habesh – the last is that the Germans have taken Nairobi, & now is the accepted time for Abyssinia to tear her rightful countries out of us – All this gives me a little grain of interest, - but too little to keep me alive on –
What if after all Italy came in for the booty!
My dear this is a beastly letter – it isn’t anymore the man you know – or only in places – that is it isn’t on the surface of things – but only there
Yrs Dick.