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51.5072178, -0.1275862
August 16 [1913]
My dear Gertrude,
Well, I have accepted – commissioner for the new south Albania to begin work on the 1st Sept. It ought to be interesting & useful but I lose £150 over Norway as I had paid rent etc & cannot now sublet. Maleish! One never knows.
I go to Wales today painfully travelling in the middle of the night & back here as an address on Tuesday.
We do L. Ochnida to the sea – and I have it seems to oil the works for everybody as far as may be.
It is in the book – I don’t know whether to be glad or sorry – but have visions of 300 splendid antlers walking forestwise over a mountain crest while we wallowed in a snow drift & were still – they are lost – but what comes next?
Do write to me.