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Letter from Gertrude Bell to her father, Sir Hugh Bell

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Reference code
Bell, Sir Thomas Hugh Lowthian
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 letter, paper

37.9249733, 40.2109826

1 June Diarbekr [Diyarbakir (Amida)] Belloved Father. I send you the 2 telegrams I got at Mosul [Mawsil, Al], one your answer to my telegram and the other to say that your registered address was unknown! this clearly must be the fault of the London authorities and I feel sure you will enjoy asking them why they did it. They gave me 3 days of considerable anxiety for I could not imagine why I got no answer from you and concluded that some calamity must have happened. From here I telegraphed the full London address to prevent possible mistakes.
Your letters are the greatest joy. I got more letters here than I have had at one time before and one and all declare that everything is going to the dogs, the Germans on the point of invading us and the country ruined. I have come to the conclusion that Turkey is really a safer place to be in than England. But between ourselves, I'm just as gloomy about Turkey. I don't think the débacle will come within the next 6 months, but I feel sure it will come and in streams of blood. The army and the old Turkish party are bound to quarrel. Already the latter are indignant, not to say furious, at the government's protecting the Xians and avenging the Adana [(Seyhan, Ataniya)] massacres. It will end in the most horrible uprisings, I think, and the question is whether the army will be strong enough to keep hold of the country and bolster up the new regime. I don't think it will, for it means strict surveillance over the whole of Turkey. However I shall be out of it by that time. I expect to reach Kaisarieh [Kayseri (Caesarea Mazaca)] in 3 weeks from here and Konia [Konya (Iconium)] a fortnight or so later. Ever your very affectionate daughter Gertrude

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