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Letter from Gertrude Bell to her father, Sir Hugh Bell

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Reference code
Bell, Sir Thomas Hugh Lowthian
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Person(s) mentioned
Philby, Harry St John
Allenby, Edmund
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 letter, paper
Iraq ยป Baghdad

33.330312, 44.400813


Baghdad Ap. 12 Darling Father. I have your letter of March 22 (so delightful and wonderful a letter that I shall always keep it) and I telegraphed saying that I was writing to Jerusalem [(El Quds esh Sherif, Yerushalayim)]. I am coming over by air on Ap. 29 which is the day the airmail goes. Now there is no landing ground in Jerusalem and I must either land at Ramleh [Ramla (Ramle)] (in Palestine) or at 'Amman. It is also quite probable that I may not get over in a day - though with good luck I should. You suggest in your letter meeting me in 'Amman and I am therefore asking the Air Force to drop me there. I might, and should arrive on the afternoon of the 29th, but it also might not be till the 30th. If you reach Jerusalem on the 27th or 28th you could motor to 'Amman on the 29th, stay with the Philbys (to whom I am writing) and I hope that I may be there almost as soon as you are. Now if you don't want to do this there are two ways of informing me: 1. if you get to Jerusalem on the 27th or perhaps even on the 28th you might wireless to me here that I am to land at Ramleh (in Palestine) and come up to Jerusalem by train or similarly you could telegraph to 'Amman to the Philbys and tell them to inform me that I am to come on by air to Ramleh from there. I should get the message on the aerodrome, step back into the aeroplane and come on to Ramleh. I think this is quite clear. 1. I stop at Amman unless you wireless to me here telling me to come straight to Ramleh (but it's problematic whether you would catch me unless you can wireless on the 27th). 2. Or unless I find a similar message from you at 'Amman. Once at Amman we could either go back to Jerusalem for a day or two, before making a little tour, or go straight on by train to Damascus [Dimashq (Esh Sham, Damas)] and go back to Jerusalem. I should think the former would be best as you would then only bring over to 'Amman things for two or three nights, and if by chance you have any clothes for me with you, you would leave them in Jerusalem. But just as you like. My baggage on arrival will be one small, very small, suitcase which would go into your motor if we return to Jerusalem. You will telegram from Jerusalem to Mr Philby at 'Amman announcing the date of your arrival there, or if you are not coming telling him to send me on by air to Ramleh. Darling I am looking forward so wildly to seeing you.

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