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33.315241, 44.3660671
Baghdad July 27 Darling Father. I'm sending you a letter by aeroplane in the hope that it will reach you in 7 or 8 days - just to feel as if we were so near instead of so far. Sir Geoffrey Salmond and Col. Brook Popham carry it in a day to Cairo. I won't tell you any detailed news because you will not be able to fit it in with the letters which are in the way, but I may just mention that by next week Faisal will be King of Iraq by plebiscite and that all is going excellently well. He has played the game splendidly and it is the greatest triumph for Sir Percy. 3 days ago I went up to Ramadi [Ramadi, Ar] and saw all the shaikhs of the desert swear allegiance to Faisal - one of the finest things I've ever witnessed; I tell you all about it in my weekly letter.
Yesterday I got your letter of June 28 and one from Mother both telling me that she has broken her wrist, just as if it were nothing at all. But I think it's dreadful, neither of you say how it happened. I hope it's mending. Belloved Father your letter was rather despondent about the fortunes of the family and indeed it's very hard that you should have fallen on such difficult times, but you will still see it work out right, inshallah, just as I'm seeing our difficult task here work out in success - the luck of the Bells, do you remember Mr Strong used to say? Anyhow dearest don't bother too much about it - what happens, happens, and we adapt ourselves to it. The only thing that matters is that you should be well and happy.
For my part I'm immensely happy over the way this thing is going. I feel as if I were in a dream. Of course there are an immense amount of difficulties and it all takes the closest watching but on our guarantee all the solid people are coming in to Faisal, and there's a general feeling that we made the right choice in recommending him. If we can bring some kind of order out of chaos what a thing worth doing it will be!
Our great heat is over, the temp has fallen to about 115, and even less which is quite bearable, and I'm very well. Ever your devoted daughter Gertrude