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33.330312, 44.400813
Baghdad Nov 10 Dearest Father. I've just time to send you a word in answer to your letter of Sep 30-Oct 7 which has come today. Thank you so much. What you say about the rly strike is most interesting. As for Edward Pease, I've a mystic feeling that he was destined to receive tiles on his head! He was impossible here. We tried him as a Dep. Military Governor and he proved wanting. He can't do anything. Then he went to our vernacular press where he might have stayed on if he had liked for he knows Arabic - as for his being one of the first authorites etc, it's tosh, as you may think. But nothing would suit him but that he must go somewhere where he could fight. He was mal tombé for he rejoined a regiment just as the armistice was announced.
I suppose someone has to bury corpses, and if anyone has to do it, you may be sure it will be Edward Pease. That's my feeling about him. Your very affectionate daughter Gertrude