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50.725231, 1.613334
18 March Dearest Father. I'm afraid I'm going to give you some trouble about these maps - not much I hope. I know exactly where they are. Here's a plan of my room [sketch] In the upper shelf of the lower division of bookcase 2 or 3 (I think 3) there are all the publications of the Princeton Expedition to Syria. The Geographical volume is not out yet, but I have some of the maps of it which they sent me. The publication consists of: a. 2 large quarto, green cloth bound vols. One of them is called Semitic Inscriptions - pay no attention to it. The other is called Ancient Architecture and other Arts, by Butler. In it I am pretty sure you will find some loose maps and these are what Col. Hedley wants. You need not send him that volume; it contains no maps.
b. a number of small quarto paperbound parts. There are maps in many of these. I think they had better all be sent to him to look through. I am writing to him about them. The last part is lying in the bookshelf between the windows of my sitting room in Sloane St. - a blue paperbound book small quarto. Perhaps next time you or Mother are in Sloane St you would look into it and see if there's a map in it. If there is, send it along to Col. Hedley.
Now return to my sitting room at Rounton: In the corner by the door there is a glass cupboard with 4 drawers in the lower part this way: [sketch] drawer 3 is the map drawer. In it you will find (among many other maps to which you need pay no attention because the W.O. have them already) a map of Syria mounted on canvas and folded smallish, it is endorsed Princeton Map. It's not on a very large scale but I think Col. Hedley might like to look at it as it is later than most others. Why don't they ask one for these things beforehand instead of waiting till it's almost too late to be worth while!
I'm so sorry to trouble you with this. Ever your affectionate daughter Gertrude.
I'm writing to Col. Hedley.