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Letter from Gertrude Bell to her father, Sir Hugh Bell

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Reference code
Bell, Sir Thomas Hugh Lowthian
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Person(s) mentioned
Trevelyan, Charles Philips
Baring, Evelyn
Herbert, Aubrey Molyneux
Sykes, Mark
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 letter, paper
England ยป London

51.495762, -0.158953


95 Sloane Street. June 21 Dearest Father. It's midnight, but I must write to you now or I shall not catch the mail. Your letter from Cork was delightful. You had a pleasant beginning to your voyage - good, please God! I have been playing the part, on my side, of a rich orphan with great gusto. Today I gave a luncheon party - the Ian Hamiltons, Ismail Kemal, (Albanian exile) Domnul, St Loe, Mme d'Erlanger, Sylvia - most agreeable. Sir Ian looks younger and gayer than ever. I think we shall get him on Sep. 15. Then I flew off to an anti suffrage Council meeting - very well attended, very encouraging and very good speeches. I meant to go to a party at Lady Emmott's after, but no! Lord Cromer carried me off to an anti Anti-Vivisection meeting at the College of Physicians. Such a lovely place - do you know it? in Trafalgar Sq. A fine 18th c house with glorious pictures; all the doctors by Reynolds, Jansen and their like - inclusif Henry VIII looking very unmedical. Sydney Holland brought down the house by apologizing for asking for money "a proceeding so foreign to my nature." I took my dear old Lord home (he's so well) and came in just in time to dress for an early dinner with Domnul and go with him and a party (including Moll) to the opera. But I had to leave after the 2nd act to go to an anti suffrage party at the Grafton Galleries which was again a most successful function. Lady Jersey made the best of good speeches and Lord Curzon was genial to the point of wit. It's wonderful what a good cause can do. Last night Major O'Connor dined with me and we talked Asia until the small hours - most delightful. Sir W. Willcocks spent part of the afternoon with me, dear old thing, and we discussed Mesopotamia and Eden and other sensible things. I had had a luncheon party previously - Moll, Flora Russell and Sarah Binley. Moll and I went out and chose Blanche most beautiful earrings.
Oh I must tell you a dreadful catastrophe. Mrs Phipps's old father has died quite suddenly. I don't what they'll do. The invitations for Rachel's wedding were just out. Isn't it sad.

I dined with the Crowes on Tuesday and went to a party at Lady Carnarvon's where I met Lady IsaBella and Sir E.... and liked them so much. They sent you many affectionate messages. And that day I lunched with the Lloyds to meet 2 Turks - the exiled Liberals strew the ground thick as autumn leaves. And I had a very agreeable tea with Harold at the House where we were joined by Charlie Trevelyan, Aubrey, George and Mark Sykes. The last 3 were deep in plans for amusing the ex Sultan's brother in law, whom I am to meet at Aubrey's next week. Aubrey observed thoughtfully: "He didn't seem to enjoy the dog show." I should never have supposed that a high born Moslem would have enjoyed a show of the unclean animal. Harold is so happy and so busy - it's enchanting to see him. I'm taking Major O'Connor to lunch with the Cromers tomorrow and then Katie and I motor to Osterley and I motor on to Lady Boston's where I spend Sunday. Upon my word it is fun to live in the world. Elsa has been moved upstairs and is quite happy, none the worse. Purly[?] is very much pleased with the improvement this week. I have not seen her and she is not to see us. Your affectionate daughter Gertrude

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