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50.725231, 1.613334
Boulogne Nov 25 Dearest Father. Ian Malcolm comes back tomorrow and I will ask him about the motor. But I think it will certainly be wanted. Some of the hospitals are so far off and the motor we have been using is to be withdrawn this week. I don't think it needs a stronger motor than the Humber, certainly not a larger one. It's only to carry our enquiring men out to the hospitals to pursue their interrogations. Claud Russell passed through today on his way for a few days' leave in England. All the officers of the 1st Division are getting a week's leave as you will know. There's a lull on the frontier. Claud looked tired but the general impression is that we can hold them and that the Germans have shot their bolt and can't by any chance get through. We are about 60 miles from their lines here, 2 hours by motor from Herzebroke [Hazebrouck] whence Claud came. There you can hear the guns all the time.
We have had an endless amount of filing, indexing, clerk's work generally, today. And there's a big task ahead for we must make a card index.
It's warmer, the Lord be praised. Living is rather dear here. My room, high up, costs 10 francs a day, no food. I must see if I can do it cheaper anyhow. And this is a poky little hotel. But good enough and near the office. Ever your very affectionate daughter Gertrude
Would you pay for the keep of the motor and George, or not? I had better know.