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Letter from Gertrude Bell to her stepmother, Dame Florence Bell

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Bell, Dame Florence Eveleen Eleanore
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
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1 letter plus envelope, paper
Italy ยป Rome

41.908938, 12.478438


41 Via del Babuino Wednesday Dearest Mother. Sue and her father called here this afternoon (I was out) in terrible distress. The Connaughts had turned them out of their Hotel Bristol rooms and they had nowhere to go! I've written to suggest we should lunch together tomorrow. Rome [Roma] is packed at this moment. I spent the morning at the Vatican looking at statues - dear dear! 'ow they did in those days, didn't they! I felt on top of that I must see the Dying Gladiator, so I flew off to the Capitoline Museum after lunch I was also pleased with the wolves in their cage going up the hill. I hung about on the Capitol quite a long time looking at Marcus Aurelius and then I went and saw masses of mosaics all about Rome and Michael Angelo statues, and Nero's Golden House, what is left of it, which is not golden at all, but very tremendous for all that. Just before coming in, I walked up onto the R.... and saw Rome through a yellow haze of sunset, which was remarkably pleasing. I am turned out and am now in a most charming apartment in an hotel at the corner of the Piazza del Popolo. I look out onto the inner court and open onto a balcony full of flowering trees which runs all round the top of the court. It's fascinating. I go to the Via del Babuino for lunch and dinner. The Bethells are such nice people.
Don't you think my dog's puppy might be given to the Raysons if they wd like it? Papa says they love it. Please consult Moll. I think it wd be rather a good plan.

It takes me 13 hours to get to Brindisi! I leave here at 8.20 AM on Sunday and arrive at 9.44 P.M.! Ever your very affectionate daughter Gertrude

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