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51.5072178, -0.1275862
Monday 95, Sloane Street. Dearest Mother. Thank you awfully for the muff! it is so elegant! anyone, but the mink who grew it (what is a mink?) would think it was sable. I spent the morning helping Aunt Bessie to arrange the stage at the Parish Hall. Then I went to the concert. He is a great man! the Beethoven Rondo was what I thought he played best, but it was all delightful. I sat by Mr Ritchie who said it had become a habit to go to Dohnanyi[?] concerts with our family. I saw Mr Schuster as I came out and asked him about Baireuth [Beyreuth] lodgings. He was in a wild excitement over D. I went to tea with Caroline, but Bertie Grosvenor came in so I left. I'm going to lunch with her tomorrow. General Talbot is to succeed Sir F. Grenfell as Commander in Chief in Egypt - isn't it interesting. Ever your affectionate daughter Gertrude.
I can't think why Mr de R. [de Rutzen] hasn't answered my letter - I'll write again to him.