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33.315241, 44.3660671
Baghdad March 10 Dearest dear Mother. What a good plan to keep your flat at Rounton and leave your things in it. I wonder whether you are now at Mt Grace or in London - I think I will write to 95. I'm glad you will have Elsa and her children for Easter.
I will of course see Mr King - he might be a suitable friend for Marie! She, poor thing, has a mild attack of jaundice at the moment, horrid complaint.
I confess I can't understand how Frances can be so brave and confident, but what a comfort that she is. She does sound such a darling creature. The Mikes must be a great stay to her, aren't they?
You will scarcely believe that it's raining again. It is, though. Poor Joan CampBell had 3 days in the desert mud coming over and it looks as if she would have another 3 days going back. She does not seem to mind the prospect however. Neither will it prevent me from going by train to Ur and as I shall spend the whole day there indoors dividing the spoil, weather won't hurt. We come back on Friday evening, dine in the train and get to Baghdad, with luck, at 7 am on Saturday.
I just send you a little letter to yourself to tell you how much I love you. Your daughter Gertrude