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54.5974636, -1.0779515
Friday. Red Barns, Coatham, Redcar. Dearest Mother. We had a most delightful swim this morning. The Wood girls came with us and we brought them back to lunch. Papa came in at 5, and he and I bicycled to Kirkleatham and back without mishap. We enjoyed it very much.
The lecture was a great success and well attended. We have arranged to have the nursing lecture on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 which is convenient for everyone. Miss Dunn[?] wished to get the course over next week and for my part I am delighted for it lessens my duties!
I have read the Gods etc and I will tell you tomorrow what I think of it - it's just dinner time, that's why I refrain.
I hope you will go to the G.D. wedding - I should like to hear about it. Yes, I think a present will be necessary. G.B.