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41.904063, 12.489313
Rome [Roma] Monday Dearest Mother. I was so much surprised at getting no letters from you that I went to the Bristol and behold a .....! I will get the book for Father. Eugénie and I are much excited about the play and wish we were going to see it. E.'s comments on your talents and Father's charm reach to ecstacy.
I've been at work all day, mostly at the German Institute, with an interval of lunching with the dear Pasolinis. Tomorrow I have a day's work out of doors which is nicer. I've got hold of one of the palaces anyhow, so that's something. Presently I shall try a bath. But I am plunging into the history of architectural decoration - an immense subject but most fascinating. Fortunately dear Delbrück is extremely helpful and kind.
I've been such an idiot as not to bring a camera and I am so dreadfully hung up without one that I fear you must send it to me. You will find a small camera and several rolls of films (in tin cases) in the cupboard Bellow the bookshelf in my sitting room at 95. Could all this be posted to me? or must I wait till Sybil comes? She would bring it but I really would like to have it before. Ever your affectionate daughter Gertrude