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41.9027835, 12.4963655
Rome [Roma]. Sunday Dearest Mother. I have begun life as a student (if you do not recall me) and have been working all day long at a palace, partly at the German Institute and partly in the Palatine. It has been delightful beyond words. I varied the entertainment by paying a short visit to Boni (by special invitation) at his unopened museum in the Forum. Dear Boni! his eyes are bluer and more melting than ever! He was the one alleviation at a very dull dinner at Countess Lovatelli's last night and I met him also at lunch yesterday at the Rivoiras. That party was amusing; it consisted of Boni, Delbrück and me and as Boni talks all the time Rivoira could not, which was an advantage. I walked back with Delbrück to the Institute afterwards and spent the rest of the afternoon reading there. D. is infinitely kind and helpful. Then I went to a most amusing tea party at the Grand Hotel with Mr Hichens. The party was Mr Hubbard, Mr Novara, Miss Maude White and a boy from the Embassy. We laughed and laughed - at nothing in particular, but I had been so serious all day that I felt inclined to laugh at nothing; and then we went up to the Whitakers' rooms and Miss M.W. played and it was all very entertaining.
I hope you don't mind my staying and, if you don't, will you please ask Sybil to bring me out a few clothes? I send the details to Marie. I have nothing but winter things and before 3 weeks are over it will be warm here. It was really baking hot today on the Palatine.
I have not yet got His Ex's rooms. It's an awful business because the people will not promise them for so far ahead. I fear the Beau Site will not do on that account. But I will see to it that he has rooms. I am going again to the Beau Site tomorrow and if they refuse to be definite, I shall go to the Regina.
I'll send the list of clothes straight to Marie. Your affectionate daughter Gertrude
NB You have not written to me once since I left.