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51.5072178, -0.1275862
95 Sloane Street Sunday Dearest Mother. I didn't write yesterday because I thought you would have news of me from Father. Hedley says I'm not quite sound yet and I am still very easily tired, but I'm a great deal better and I think I shall be all right in a day or two. Father will have told you the idea that has come into my head about Ramsay and Asia Minor. I feel sure you will sympathise with it and the more I thought of it the more I concluded that it was worth trying. So I wrote to Ramsay this morning and will see what he says. I shall not go without him for it would not be worth while. I think I should go away about June 1st and be back in the middle of August. Then of course I should stay all the winter in England.
Elsa and I are going to lunch at Mansfield St and I will post this on the way.
I met Sir A. Lyall at the Private View of the old Watercolours yesterday. He congratulated me warmly on Father's appointment and said he was delighted and that it was a great honour.
It's such lovely weather! Your affectionate daughter Gertrude
Sir Frank tells me that everyone is saying it's perfectly monstrous how Winston C. [Churchill] runs the Govt. No one is heard from the Treasury Bench but he.