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Paris. Sunday. Dearest Mother. I am having a most delightful time. First, Sir Frank came to dinner on Friday and stayed till midnight and we talked without stopping and it was most agreeable. He is coming to R'ton [Rounton] on Nov 18 which will suit very well. I've written to Maisie and asked them to come at the same time. She will answer here and I will let you know. On Sat. I came over by the 10 o'clock train and arrived rather late. So I sent a word to S. Levi that I wd appear after dinner and dined very comfortably here. Then I went in and found him and Mrs S.L. who was extremely friendly. She is a pleasant little woman not very interesting, devoted, I understand, to good works. After [a] bit Reinach and I went into his library and I showed him my plans and photographs and we settled some details about publication and illustration. I came back to my hotel at 11 - it's only a step from the Reinachs. This morning, a heavenly bright frosty day, I went to Reinach's at 9.30 and worked till 11.30 when DusSa'ud, the Syrian traveller, came to see me and we had a most delightful hour's talk. I'm going to his house tomorrow to look over some Nabathaean and Safaitic inscriptions and discuss what is to be found in Nejd [Najd]. After he went we lunched and I then took a little stroll with the two Reinachs in the bright sunshine. We walked towards the Bois. R. and I came back at 3 and I looked through travel books and inscriptions till 6. It's perfectly enchanting having everything at one's hand and R. to suggest and lay more books before one. He is delighted with the first article and is going to send it to press at once. Tonight he has asked Yves Guyer to dinner because I said I wanted to see him so we shall have a little relâche from archaeology.
It's altogether very nice and very satisfactory. I don't feel I cd be doing this work under better conditions but I expect I shall be kept with my nose to the grindstone these few days! Nevertheless Mrs S.L. and I are going to see the Rafale on Tuesday. Ever your affectionate daughter Gertrude