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Letter from Charles Doughty-Wylie to Gertrude Bell

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Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Wylie, Charles Hotham Montagu Doughty-
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 letter plus envelope, paper

8.9806034, 38.7577605

British Legation,
Adis Ababa.
24 May.
Is the foot all right?

It’s a foolish thing to write to say I can’t write – still I do it, because oh you poor desert worn thing I’ve been with you arriving utterly tired out of the sun into Damascus – no my dear more than that - for with the diary came a letter from your heart to mine – which I read & lock away – like this other live thing I will keep it for a week and send it to my bank – but oh how I love them your letters – and you that write them –

But I must go on working – people come to see me all the time - & telegrams & then on the top come two frontier mails, all to be read before post lest these should be anything I must send on to London.

My dear my dear goodbye for today. Perhaps even today you are in London for the first time after all those long days of adventure and danger and deadly weariness – glad to be back, full of a thousand things – your people – and the world – & politics (& they must be so very interesting just now) – and if I could I should just smile & pass by and wait awhile – and later on I’d come and see you all alone – you the real you whom I love – and be glad to have you back alive & well and mine.

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