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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

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Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
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1 entry, paper

30.585164, 36.238414

Mon. Jan 5. [5 January 1914] Worked again all day and finished at nightfall. Not at all tired. Sat with the men at night and 'Ali camel driver told tales of Jinn. Once when he was a boy, in our country (Nejd [Najd]) he was travelling at night and a Jinneh walked with him for 2 hours. How did he know she was a Jinneh? because her eyes were set lengthways in her face and reached down to her mouth. She was the height of a woman and labiseh hudani. So he kept on repeating Bism[?] illahi al rahmanal rahim. And she echoed with Bis bas rih rah. Whenever he got down into a hollow he hoped she had lost him, but on the other side, there she was. At last she wearied of the Bism ellah and left him. In the middle of the tale Hamad put on a great heap of brushwood onto the fire and it blazed up like a torch. M. [Muhammad] rebuked him. Everyone cd see us - look our light shone on the walls of the qasr. I expressed disbelief in Jinn and Ghuls. M. Are not the Jinn mentioned in the Quran? But perhaps they don't exist now. Faraj. Ya M. Sall ala al Nebi! Which are more numerous al nis or al jinn? The jinn are in all the air. As Salim lighted me to bed he concluded that there had been Jinn fil awwal but were no more now. Next day Nimran asked me why all this talk of Ghuls? I said I did not believe in them and he agreed. The Arabs went night and day through the desert and saw none. I. Ya Nimran the ghul is within the heart. "Eh Wallah" he said "al khauf." I said I had only been laughing when I asked 'Ali to tell tales and I thought he had been laughing. Oh [sic] else said N. he imagined them, hallam[?]. All this talk originated with the dead man in the qasr and Ibrahim's betting that for a pound or without a pound he wd go and lay a mark[?] on him. But I intervened saying it was not good for the health to go near a corpse in that state. Yes, only that, said M. Bravo[?] aleyki. The dead can do no harm. I said I wished we cd see the dead khalifs who had feasted here. Here they came yatafantasun said M.

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