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33.513312, 36.297438
Mon. 14. [14 May 1900] Went early to the German Consulate and got
money and talked to L¸tticke and looked at maps. Shopped and
back to lunch; on my way met an English kavass with a note from Mrs
R. [Richards] saying I could not have zaptiehs for tomorrow. At lunch
was a very interesting young Metawili, Hussein el Haidar was I think
his name, from Baalbek and a German, Burghardt, much travelled.
Druze talk. H el H was the most Druze person I have yet met. It
seems they have refused all Turkish offers unless Shibly and the
others are released and are returning into the Lejah [Al Laja]. L. says
there will be war in the autumn. He told me the tale of Shibly's
imprisonment and of Yayha's[?], who was simply serving as a Turkish
officer in Damascus [Dimashq (Esh Sham, Damas)], was seized and
imprisoned for life, penal servitude. Rushed off to the E. Consulate to
see Mrs R. before she went out and so home to letter writing. The
L¸ttickes came to pay me a farewell visit and while they were there
my chief zaptieh 'Ali Shawwish arrived. Wrote letters packed and
tried a horse.