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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
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1 entry, paper

33.513312, 36.297438

Within (Meters)

Sun 13. [13 May 1900] Drove round the walls, not particularly interesting. Saw a lovely house, Dar es Shammiyeh in the Xian quarter and talked to its aimiable [sic] proprietor. Also a Jew house, Dar es Shammai, not so good. Went into the Sinanieh[?] mosque. It has a lovely blue and green minaret and some goodish tiles inside. Saw the Khan Assad Pasha in the Derb el Mastahim[?]. Very lovely, black and white striped and 6 domes and 3 slanting roofs and a big fountain in the middle. Lunched with M. Asfar; the L¸ttickes were there and the 2 daughters of the Director of the Ottoman Bank. Came home and slept. Had tea with Mrs Richards in her garden and drove up to Salahiyeh from whence I had a lovely view of the town. A nice German, cosmopolitan, at dinner. At 9 drove to the Asfar's house, found all the L¸ttickes including him and the bank Directors there, and went to a {Maronite} Greek church wedding. L¸tticke is a most delightful person.

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