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34.396001, 135.857574
Sun 17 [17 April 1898] Woke up to find it gone and raised the house. Had a bath in a sort of conservatory, a glass house. Police man came, then chief of the police. All this delayed us and we were not off till 10. Met an official and detective just outside Hase who stopped us and interviewed us. Down the valley to Sakurai then up a long very steep hill, partly paved, narrow valley, very lovely. We had to walk. Reached Tonomine about 1. Quite lovely. First cryp. woods then a long flight of stairs up to temple. Cherries and maples just coming out. Group of girls sitting on top of the steps. In temple a ceremony going on. 4 men making an offering, some of them in half European dress. Priest in white and violet waved a gohei at them. 4 others one in violet said prayers in a room on the right. 3 little kagura girls giggled at me between their devotions. Priests offered up endless trays of tiffin to the gods, then the one in violet came and said prayers to the tiffin in the temple and that outside, tying 3 times a piece of wood to the mirror and bowing 3 times and clapping hands 2, after which we had our kagura dance (Mandarin had by this time come up). Back to our chaya, a very good one, past the many roofed Pagoda. After tiffin climbed up hill to the end of the temple grounds, then down a long steep way. Buttercup tree, mauve anemones. Got into our kuromas and down a shocking road to the next resting place. There we saw 2 little Jap ladies performing a toilet. Up over a long pass, exquisite temple with cryp. and cherries at top and down through a long wood very lovely. Azaleas just out. On and on and over the Yoshino gawa by ferry at Kama ichi. Then up a very steep road lined with cherries and drunken people. Cherry tea, very nasty. Reached Yoshino 6.30, white with wild cherries. Chaya very full, I had an excellent room with a balcony, the other 3 one room. Dinner and to bed very tired. But I spent most of the night on my balcony. Grey evening, stars came out.