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45.035062, 6.405687
Mon. Sep 4. [4 September 1899] Off at 5.10. Down the valley by a
stream edged with birch trees. Turned up through a wood and lost
our way. Scrambled about for half an hour - most pleasant to be in
woods and fields. Came out onto a grassy valley which led us up to
Les Chandins at the foot of the Col. 3/4 of an hour's pull up led us onto
a charming little plateau with a dip where there must have been a dip.
Photographed, drank lemonade and eat chocolate at a little spring.
Then over the col from whence lovely view of the Aiguilles d'Arve and
the Galibier, and down through woods and over grass to Le Monetier
[Le Monetier-les-Bains]. Col 8-8.30. Le Monetier 10. A regiment
encamped by the stream, village full of soldiers. M. Isoard very glad
to se me. I went off and had a delicious bath at the charming bath
house. Everyone glad to see me; eat cherries off the tree. Back at
the hotel at 11 and most excellent lunch with a cheerful old French
couple Duplaa Lahitte who came on to La Grave. The woman whose
husband sent us back the purse came to see me; I went to her house
with M. Isoard, 4 children, awfully poor, one boys wants to become a
priest, but they can't afford it. Promised to write to Papa. M. Isoard
came with me to the coach and we talked it over. Left 11.45 and got to
La Grave at 3. Perfect day and most delicous drive. Tea and letters
and rest. A Frenchman with Faure and 2 Germans, Horten F¸hrerloss
did the Meije today. The Germans sat opposite to me at dinner and
we discussed adventures.