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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

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Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
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1 entry, paper

47.284437, 11.408938

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Sun. 19. [19 August 1894] Went swimming with Nina and Charlotte.
When we came in Elsa and I did history on the balcony. At 3 drove to
the town to the Bauern Theatre. Most amusing - the play was about
the Hofer wars, written by a young man who played the lead (and had
evidently written the part for himself) The Director is a shoe maker, his
wife writes the Ritter St¸cke, his son and daughter play leading roles!
This is the buskined stage with a vengeance! Papa made friends
with him and he and mother went behind between the acts. At the end
the Director made a little speech in which he specially thanked from
his heart the strangers who had visited his theatre and hoped that the
lieber Gott wd guide them safely to the end of their journey - ah, I only
hope he will! There was a wonderful battle in which the French
soldiers fell as soon as the Swiss waved their swords over them and
composed themselves to die by carefully replacing their hats which
had been disturbed when they tumbled down! Home at 5. After tea
Papa, the children and I went a noble scramble in search of the
M¸hlauer Klamm, which we did not find, but we saw the little peasant
boys driving home the tinkling flocks of goats and we were invited a
cheery gentleman to share his meal of bread and meat with his wife
and himself under a tree - so we came home well satisfied.

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