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51.495762, -0.158953
Wed. 12 [12 April 1893] Left Redcar at 10.21 and travelled to town with Billy. Very sorry to leave home. Lisa and all the children left with Mother. Amusing journey. Bill told me anecdotes of his little friends and hooted at me when I asked whether they ever relate their experiences. Then followed a heated discussion on the art of expression[?] which ended by my saying "At least you see there is another point of view?" And his answering "I think it's a rotten one"! Papa and I went to a party at the New Gallery, rather amusing - Poynters, Butchers, Lushingtons, Grosvenors etc but after all these gatherings come to very little. If I only have to say How de do 20 times I don't care whether it's to my friends or my enemies I say it. N.G. very glad to see me, we sat down and talked. That kind of friendship is worth being grateful for. Very interesting some of the early Burne Jones I'm glad to have seen them even in so unsatisfactory a fashion.