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37.415148, 41.37343
Friday May {22} 21. [21 May 1909] Left Der el Amer at 5.50, got to Mezizakh at 8.15 and to Der Mar Ibrahim a little after 9. The monastery is built in fact[?] of the same very solid masonry as that of parts of Der el Amer. Flatly moulded caps outside and moulded jambs on the inner doors of Mar Hobel. I subsequently went back and planned it and saw the embroidered robe. Then planned Mar Philoxenos, a very interesting place. The old church appears to have been of the arcaded type. An open narthex was subsequently added to the S and still later its doors were closed up and a porch added. Horrible crowds. The Kaimakam came to see me and was very civil. He says all is quiet, but Fattuh brings rumours of alarums and excursions.