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41.0001037, 29.0235388
Friday July 26. [26 July 1907] Took F. [Fattuh] to see Dr McClean and
left him in the hospital. Then rushed out, bought a hat, dressed and
went to Beshik Tash to meet Sir N [Sir Nicholas O'Conor] who had
already gone so I drove on to the Selamlik and sent up my card. Mr
Fitzmaurice came down to meet me and took me up to the
Ambassadors' room where I found Sir N more than friendly - 4 Jap
officers were there whom I made Fitzmaurice introduce to me. Sir N.
introduced Nejib Melkame. All very amusing. Back to the hotel to
lunch and pack and so to Topkhaneh, but the mouche[?] was not
there. Sat on Huguenin's for some time till he appeared and took me
up to Beshik Tash. Half way up we met Sir N coming down and I was
transferred. So up to Therapia. Lady O'C was in bed with migraine so
we had tea and went off to the polo. There I met Mr Leischmann and
Mr Butler, also Woods Pasha and others. Pleasant dinner with the