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37.439586, 33.164415
Friday June 7 [7 June 1907] Delicious day with a light N air. Sir W
[William Ramsay] says the plateau owes everything to the N wind; the
people even ...... with it. Went down to 7 and measured again. Sir W
joined me and we measured the big apse very carefully and quite
decided that it was not horseshoed. If anything it curves outwards
very slightly to the extreme points. We then rode across to 6 and I got
the windows and found to my satisfaction that they had been blocked
because the new piers of the aisles came in front of them. So to 17
which I measured together with the monastery. An interesting plan,
very late I think, much frescoed and no mouldings but one on the
apse scarcely to be called a moulding - inside. The whole plan much
resembles the W chapel and monastery on Geuz D. After lunch I
drew out 17 and put in the windows of 6. Then walked down to 5 and 8
and got the mouldings, photographed 7 and on to 6 where I ratified the
blocking of the S windows and found another in the N wall. They by
17 where I got the cistern. Most delicious on this hillside. The yellow
mullin thing coming out in crowds and the blue thing all out. The
yellow sort of ocuothna[?] flower here and a white flower with a
glaucus spreading green just out. Mahlech looked delicious flecked
with cloud. Packed after tea. Never saw Argaeus [Erciyas Dagi
(Argaeus Mt)] so clear. Very sorry to leave this nice place.