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37.439586, 33.164415
Wed 15. [15 May 1907] Gray [sic] and presently rained. I have made
friends with the little officer who is head of the station police, Zeki is his
name, he is a Damascene. It was pouring when we got to Arik Euren
[Arikˆren]. Found the horses and carts and men including Haidar
Chowwish my Zaptieh and two friends of Hassan's who solemnly
carried the two big lanterns Fattuh has bought. Rained nearly all the
way to Suleiman Hajji where I lunched in the Sheikh's house on bread
and cheese and yaourt. The village stands by the edge of a very salt
lake. It is all built of old stones but I saw no inscriptions. From here we
took the hill road - awful for the arabas and ourselves arrived
unexpectedly at Maden Sheher about 3 but the carts cd not come our
way and did not get in till near 8. It was raining again and Fattuh and I
took refuge in the big apse. Presently I walked about and looked at
some of the familiar ruins, frightfully hungry however. We pitched
camp half in the dark and I finally supped on eggs and marmalade
and bread and butter and so to bed. Fortunately fine again.