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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 entry, paper
Ramsay, W.M.

38.06705374, 30.16774617

Within (Meters)

Fri 26 [26 April 1907] Cold and stormy. Went out early and saw the
site of the acropolis of Apamea with the remains of an early church on
it. The marble double columns, one of which remains, of the central
A.M. type. Also a large plainish sort of Doric capital. Walked up the
valley to the source of the Marsyas, very fine, gushing out of a rock,
and back the other side to look for the site of the theatre which I did not
find. After lunch, bought a horse for £T9; Fattuh very pleased. Then
took the station's kavass an Albanian and went to the source of the
Maeander [B¸y¸k Menderes] in the Menderes Duden. Saw also the
source of the Injerli Su which springs out of the mt. I suppose this is
Ramsay's Laugher and Weeper but I confess I cd not distinguish
them. There seemed to be many springs all together. Walked then
over the hills to the source of the Arab Chai by which is a small group
of houses, Sheikh Arab K. In the graveyard were a bit of a double
column and a bit of a round column with garlands carved on it. Some
hermits caves above the source of the river but I did not see the
inscription Murray mentions. Two inscribed stones in the cemetary
[sic] under the acropolis, one of them in the cemetary wall. I imagine
Ramsay has copied them. Tired out and so home. Fine bare hills
rise behind the village, at present topped with a little snow. The
marshy source of the Maeander lies in an amphitheatre of these bare

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