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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 entry, paper

38.06705374, 30.16774617

Within (Meters)

Thurs Ap 25 [25 April 1907] Very ill in the night, pains, sick and faint.
The good Fattuh gave me tea and a hot bottle after which I was better.
But quite unable to go to Colossae which I gave up with much regret.
It's situation under the mountain as I saw it afterwards from the train
must be magnificent. A post recalled me and I read and answered
letters. Off at 1.15 about and reached Dineir [Dinar (Apamea)] at 7.
The trains very variable in their times of starting, mostly before time.
Scenery magnificent. The great Khonas D behind Colossae quite
splendid. We climbed up the Chardak [Cardak] pass and came out
onto the plateau, the familiar beautiful plateau stretching away all bare
and open with the mts rising out of it as if half submerged in it. Lots of
snow. A good deal of cultivation along the line. So past Aji Tuz Gˆl¸
[Acigˆl] with the steep mountains dropping into its further side, past
Apa whence there is a fine view of great Ak D [Ak Dag]. A curious
tombstone from Colossae there. An excellent little inn at Dineir kept
by a charming old Greek fairy godmother Marigo Cubic. I found an
official of the railway there, I think his name is Albone, a line inspector.
He talked English badly though he was English. Dined on bread and
milk, the Mudir called and so to bed. Very cold, bright moon.

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