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37.181009, 33.222243
Fri. 5. [5 May 1905] Very cold. Not agreeable waiting about under the
rocks while my servants packed. We got off at 7.30 and rode at first
through mountain fog. Galopped [sic] on with Fattuh and Mustafa and
then decided to ride on myself and let Fattuh bring in the baggage.
So we went on pretty fast and after about an hour left the road and
took to a long short cut which led us down into the valley to the place
called Paz Kenya which wd have been a better camping ground if we
had reached it last night. Saw a small Yuruk encampment up a
valley. We joined the road again in about an hour at the place where
it crosses a small bridge. So very shortly out into the open and round
the foot of [space left blank]. The upland country is exactly what I had
always pictured it, a vast naked stretch with abrupt hills rising out of it.
There were some cornfields but the corn is not yet up. No water till
after 5 hours' good riding we got to Abujaj Cheshme. It was then 12.30
and I lunched and rested for 3/4 of an hour. 2 hours ride on, the last
laps seemed immensely long. We had a sharp shower or two and
got into Karaman [(Laranda)] in a heavy thunderstorm at 2.45. Went to
the hotel, a strange place where half a dozen men were cooking and
playing cards. Was shown into a little bare room with nothing in it but
a bed on which I lay down and slept for 3 hours, absolutely dead beat.
Fattuh woke me at about a quarter to 6. The rain had stopped but I
resolved not to camp and was well advised for it rained again hard
that night. Went out through the muddy town with the Polis Effendi and
saw the ruined but still exquisite gate of the medresseh. So back to
the hotel and found Fattuh bringing up the baggage and making my
bed. He declared the food at the locanda to be uneatable and
cooked me a very good dinner which was ready at 8.30[?]. So, weary
to bed.