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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

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Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
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1 entry, paper

28.7040592, 77.1024902

Fri 2. [2 January 1903] Went to the Arts Exhibition in the morning. There are most wonderful stuffs - cloth of gold and gold embroideries and Cashmere [Jammu and Kashmir] patterns - a fairy tale. And exquisite carpets also. The silver not so good I thought, but the jewels past belief. One string of pearls the size of a thrush's egg and a necklace of pearls and diamonds in great strings which were worth many lakh. Twice there have been rushes of natives to steal them and one organised body of thieves came out from Europe with all the latest improvements in thieving instruments. At 12 we drove up to Patiala's camp, picking up Oliver on our way. We had a 6 miles' drive, crossing the Grand Trunk Road. It was delightful up there, trees and jungles of reeds and a big canal and all the native camps. There seems to have been a bad slump in booths - up there there are rows and rows of them untenanted by shopkeepers - just as there are many homes in the town unlet. On the other hand, an American is said to have paid 30,000 rupees for a bungalow. Patiala's camp most gay with coloured lamps edging formal garden beds. Found Lady Arthur in bed with bronchitis, poor dear. We went through to Patiala's Durbar Tent where we found the others inspecting the Raja's jewels. He has the Empress Eugenie's famous diamonds and some most lovely strings of pearls and emeralds one with pearshaped pearl drops which must be priceless as the pearls are very well matched and of a good colour. The coat he wore yesterday is of blue velvet embroidered with deep bands of pearls, some of them quite large. There is a fine throne of silver, supported by leopards, native work, and some beautiful old pictures like miniatures. He is a boy and succeeded 18 months ago to a spendthrift father who left the state heavily in debt. Mr Biddulph, the financial advisor, told me he had ....... ..... the state. Behind the Durbar Tent are the Raja's private tents set round a charming green garden with cress for grass and all decorated with coloured lights. Mr B. told me this installation cost £20,000. I said "Do you like being run[?] in for all this?" He answered "I don't suppose anyone who is trying to bring a bankrupt state back into solvency likes the Durbar" and added indignantly "And it's all money spent outside the country too!" ie in Delhi. There is no such place as India! We then saw the elephant trappings, magnificent velvet inlaid with silver gilt in a very good[?] pattern, all Patiala work, and Mr B. said they take it and toss it about in the dust. The ankas charmingly inlaid with turquoises. I photographed the elephants' hut after it had been put together with some difficulty - everything is tied up with bits of string. The state howdah of gold and silver is so heavy that it had to be carried down in a cart to the starting point of the procession and put on the elephant's back at the last possible moment. We walked across a field and found the elephants standing by some palm trees of which they had supplemented the shade by putting some dust and straw on their heads and backs. The state elephant has a false tusk! it was out at the time. They stick lamps into the tusks. We saw him do the torch exercise but without the torches in the iron bar, and also they made the elephants salaam by lifting up their trunks. There was a darling baby elephant. The Russells said that the first night they had been much disturbed by mewing and Lady A. had gone to her tent door in the middle of the night and called "Puss, puss!" it was the elephants. The elephants cost about £4 a month a piece to keep. At lunch I sat between Major Dunlop Smith, the Resident, and Gilbert. Major D.S. is most charming - his sister keeps house for him, a nice woman. He told me many tales and said he was bringing up his little Raja like an Englishman and keeping every bad influence from him, but he is very Sikh, too Sikh he thinks. He evidently loves him and is most proud of him. He said that when he make[?] search in the treasury he found priceless things, old Jaipur enamel and MSS all stuffed away in tin boxes and bits of rag. Also armour - they have the coat of mail of every Raja of Patiala - that only goes back to the 17th cent of course. He is arranging and cataloguing. There are lovely women's jewels of Indian work. He told me this tale: old Nabha was to have gone to the Coronation and all who went were to take a gift with them - the others were not to send presents. Major DS said "Well how much do you want to give?" "About 1/2 a lakh" said the Raja. "That's no good" said Major DS "let me go into your jewel house and find something". So in he went and rummaged round and in a neglected corner he found a ruby 11/2 inches long with the seals of Akbar, Jehangir and Shah Jehan on it. He said "This is the thing" Nabha and his wazur looked out of the corners of their eyes and said "That is such a little thing." "Not at all! not at all! this is what the king would like." So it was agreed. Then Nabha fell sick and was like to die and cd not go to London: so he wrote to Major DS and said "Let me send my present." So Major DS replied "You write a letter and I'll send it." Nabha wrote and said how he had meant to come and how the hand of God had fallen on him and how on looking through his jewel house he had found a jewel which belonged not to him, but to the Emperor of India and he wished to restore it to its rightful owner. The king was delighted and insisted on knowing its history. Major DS after much search found that when the 3 Sikh kings sacked Delhi in the 18th century, this had been part of the loot. Lady Carew's ruby also has Akbar's seal on it. We talked of horses and of the great English failure to cross breed with Arabs in order to raise the height. They got a horse like a small cart horse but with bones so brittle that they broke at a touch. He said that you cd scarcely get a good Kathiawar mare now because the dealers had got it into their heads that the govt didn't like pure breeds. It seems rather a mistake to have raised the regulation height for polo poneys [sic], though it's not as high as in England - 14.3 I think here. The small poneys are every bit as good and the added height makes them more expensive (as it is the English mare is badly handicapped by the fact that the Raja pays any sum for his ponys) and the army has more difficulty in getting horses as they are taken for polo. The magnificent horse Pertab Singh was riding at the Derbar was a Kathiwar - a picture of an oriental horse, curving neck, outstretched tail, high stepping, almost mincing tread. We went on to Kashmir to call on the Colvins and found her, a very pleasant woman. We then went to polo and saw Alwar beat the Imp. Cadets, a splendid game but a walkover for Alwar. The Maharaja was incredibly well mounted on poneys that played the game as well as he did. Walked round and talked to Gilbert, Col. Olivier and Lord Dartrey with whom I sat some time. We went to tea with Lady Barnes and found her a charming woman. Sir Hugh also came in - he seems a dear. It was he who arranged the whole Durbar show. Met Sir Walter Laurence outside his tent who sent me home in his carriage - we had sent away ours and Mr Bassett took us up to the Barneses. H. [Hugo] decided not to go to the fireworks so I took Mr Schuster and his valet, Bary[?]. "Your are the only woman I wd go with because you are not afraid" said Mr S. I thought the real proof of bravery was going with him! We got [to] the mosque without trouble. Everything lighted with rows and rows of oil lamps like Roman lamps. They gave a most charming warm yellow light. The whole Fort and Mosque outlined with them, which made visible the great breadth of the square - the square which was cleared during the Mutiny. We sat on the roof of the gallery with Mr Pemberton. When the great bouquets of rockets went up you could see the whole immense place packed with people. Mrs Tyler told me that this was the show the people enjoyed. One native said "We have never seen anything like it and one said some[?] will not see the like." Arthur told me that we were very near a row that night. The Mahommadans were furious because on the day of the Entry the Viceroy's guests had left bits of ham sandwiches about on the mosques and they had arranged to stone the escorts - the Viceroy's escort actually was stoned that night. In the evening all the escorts received sealed orders to come fully armed which they did. It was a very near thing but no one knew anything about it. We got in at 1 A.M. and had some supper. [Written at top of ninth page of entry:] We nearly had a big row this night. Islam was offended at the Viceroy's guests' ham sandwiches on the Entry day and resolved to stone the escorts. Ld. C. [Curzon] sent round sealed orders directly that the escorts shd be fully armed.

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