About this item
Wed. 3. [3 December 1902] Grey cold morning. I got up earlyish and
went into the town with Mrs Dundas to shop fearing that we might have
little time after breakfast. However the Osiris with the mails for which
we were waiting, did not come in till 5 at night - indeed we almost
expected we might be overtaken by the Good Hope with the
Chamberlains on board. Lazed and talked all morning and after lunch
walked along the breakwater with Hugo - nearly 2 miles long it is. As
we came back we saw the Osiris far off. Most beautiful purple sunset
with a new moon sickle floating in it. Flamingoes flying about in great
herds and the low line of coast stretching away and away. Interesting
watching the mails come on. The Osiris had a fearful storm - which we
just missed. We got off during dinner. There was a concert after
dinner. Susan with Hugo accompanying her was the success of the
evening. Also Mr Schuster. Very cold night. Wonderful seeing the
canal at night a stretch of it lighted by our search light and fading into
darkness and the stretching desert. Bridge late after the Concert.
Very smelly. Diana suggested the Sewage Canal as its proper title.