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38.963745, 35.243322
Mon 3 [3 March 1902] Came up by the morning train with Nellie Irma and Willie. Mr VL [Van Lennep] and M. Bari drove us to the station in 2 carts. There we found the Van Heemstras and Mr Whittall - the latter travelled up with us and we had a long talk about trade. He says the English trade is still much greater than that of all other countries - German and French nowhere. The Armenians are the richest community and have all the import trade. All goes in English bottoms[?]. He is a corn exporter. Bass has an agent here because Smyrna [Izmir] area is the best for brewing. English trade goes on increasing. Got out at the Caravan Bridge station and drove to the Hotel de la Ville. After lunch shopped and wrote letters. Dined with the Cumberbatches - Mr Hanson also dined and we had a pleasant dinner discussing 70 people and all ambassadors ministers and secretaries of the Levant. Two collegues came in - a Baron someone and his wife - and we played Bridge till 12.