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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell with sketch

Diary entry with accompanying sketch on the following page.

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 entry, paper

38.963745, 35.243322

Thurs 27. [27 February 1902] [Sketch map of Colophon above which
is written Schachhardt and Wolters. Labelled A-H and X with the
following key: \n\nA Forts probably on hill road leading to sea \n\nB
possible road leading to Lebedos \n\nC Smyrna gate \n\nD
Ephesus and Notium road \n\nE Tower shaped rock \n\nF-F circa
11/2 miles \n\nF-G " 11/4 miles \n\nH remains of buildings \n\nOO
Tumulus] \n\nStarted out at 9.30 on little nags and rode up towards
Colophon. Karaja Dagh lies behind it and the Acropolis is a spur of
them. We went in by Deirmendere [Degirmendere] and at B got off
and walked up the hill to G tracing the walls in the prickly oak scrub.
The wall then goes over the top of the hill, then drops down to C where
it is remarkably distinct with round bastions at intervals. Just near
where the Kabakly dere runs through the wall the modern road
passes through it at what looks like an ancient gate - three paving
flags lying on the road. The masonry is remarkably good and even in
this bit. We then returned to B where we lunched at 12. We then
scrambled up onto the Acropolis. We lost the wall after the bit near
Deirmendere but found traces of it all up the W side to the Plateau X
which is a wide flat stretch on which if anywhere, the palace must have
stood. The E side of the hill above the 1st plateau is all terraced and
covered with foundations of walls and with foundations that must have
been houses. The 1st plateau wd certainly be the place to begin
excavations. {I then walked} We went up to the top of the hill which is
very pointed and has only a tiny platform on the top. Here are clear
traces of walls - an outstanding tower probably. I then walked down,
passing a pit that may have been a tank, to the other, east, side of the
valley and followed the wall up to the crest of the spur. At E is a tower
shaped rock from which a wall runs round the base of the Acropolis,
but here the wall is not quite so finely built, more polygonal. The wall
runs quite clearly up to the west[?] and then down across the valley,
north. It began to rain and we went back to our lunching place where
we had coffee and rode home by C passing a tumulus on the left. Got
home about 6. Rather long evening - I very sleepy! Talked.

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