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33.9775069, 35.7010954
Fri 8. [8 June 1900] Ch. and I and Hannah set off about 7 leaving the
mules. We had great difficulties as to a guide but finally got an
aimaiable [sic] Xian who was pasturing his flocks on the hillside and
looking after Metawileh shepherds. He took us along a road leading
past Ain el Hadid a beautiful spring of water, then over a very bad bit
and out into the great amphitheatre in the fond of which we saw the
'Ain el Asal, the Ain el Leban. Here he left us and we got to the
Natural Bridge at 12. Very hot day. Off again at 1 and rode over
incredible roads past a little place where there was a temple of Venus
perched between the oldest limestone rocks. Every now and then
there was a burst of limestone in which the rhododendron was
flowering. Yellow broom in hedges. My horse cast a shoe and we
stopped at [space left blank] to have him shod. This was about 3.
We then rode down into the deep valley [space left blank] and up
again. A lovely flowering white thing removed like a turncap[?]
mastagon[?] but more like campanula. We got out onto the top, saw
Sunnin again - he had been before us nearly all day till we were right
under him, and one[?] village Reifun. Got there about 5. Limestone
rocks, stone pines, broom - and our tents. Pretty tired. The Maronites
far from friendly. Such a view of Beyrout [Beyrouth (Beirut)] and the
sea. Dined by moonlight.