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37.37910748, 18.84286766
Sat Dec 2. [2 December 1899] Another delicious warm day. Were
nearing the Liparis when I woke, funny little knobs rising straight out of
the sea like the Farallones - Stromboli hooded in smoke. Little towns.
After lunch we ran along the n. coast of Sicily and I had a long
discussion with a young English clergyman who is going to Palestine
and Australia, about religion! out of which we came friends however.
Passed through the straits of Messina [Messina, Stretto di] about 1.30.
Charming. Messena [Messina] spread along the coast with a
backing of great misty mts - on the Calabrian coast Scylla's rock and
a clustered town and up on the hills tiny white towns nestled under
rocks fantastic in shape. A little movement after tea which sent the
Macalisters to bed. I walked with the Australians, talked to Mr Forbes
after dinner (it rained a little) and played Patiences with the
Australians till 11.