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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
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1 entry, paper

40.0409766, 12.44924742

Within (Meters)

Thurs. 30. [30 November 1899] Reached Avignon at 7 something and had coffee and rolls. Delicious morning. Saw Arles as we flew past, the arena and its Saracen towers. Country all sunny, red and yellow with autumn leaves, the mulberries scarcely turned yet, the sea as calm as a lake. Got to Marseilles [Marseille] at 9.15. Went to the Hotel du Louvre and lunched - all the P&O people there. Marseilles rather a shoddy town. Nearly bought a poodle puppy in the Cannebiere! After lunch drove throught the exquisite park and all round the Corniche road. Everything bathed in sunshine and too heavenly. Went up to Notre Dame de la Garde and had a lovely view. Back to the hotel and then to the ship, the Saghalier, most comfortable, not crowded, large cabin to myself. A Prof. Macalister on board (Cambridge) with his wife and daughter. They sat opposite to me at dinner. I was by the Purser - and a nice Austrian on the other side. Due to leave at 4 but we didn't get off till 5.30, after dark. Perfectly calm. Warm soft night.

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