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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
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1 entry, paper
Turkey ยป Tarabya

41.139562, 29.057563

Within (Meters)

Tuesday 9. [9 May 1899] Up at 6 and out to photograph in the Roman
gate. Left at 8 and all went down by train to Mondania [Mudanya] -
Brusa [Bursa] looked too lovely in the hot morning, all white and
bubbly, with cypresses and planes, standing against the green
hillside. Rather cold on the sea - a Black Sea fog, but quite smooth.
An old English man joined our party Mr Clulow. Pleasant journey
spent in talk. Curious fog lying round the base of the hills. Got of [sic]
C'ple [Istanbul (Constantinople)] about 4, changed boats, had tea on
Galata bridge and off to Therapia. Bosphous [Karadeniz Bogazi
(Bosporus)] quite lovely, I had forgotten how beautiful the white
palaces, the wooden houses just out over the water and the terraced
gardens are. In Therapia Bay we came into the thick fog. Hotel
Petala. An interesting German of the Embassy dined with us. He is
just off (as Consul?) to Damascus [Dimashq (Esh Sham Damas)].
Told us most amusing stories of Asia Minor, notable about gipsies
and about the Bismarckli.

IIIF Manifest