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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 entry, paper

47.284437, 11.408938

Within (Meters)

Tues. 4. [4 September 1894] Rainy. However we went and swam
and were taught Kopfspringen by the Schwimmeister to our immense
delight. Went on into Innsbr¸ck to get me an alpenstock. Bought
photographs for Mother. Home and Elsa and I did history till lunch.
Took the 2.30 tram to Hall and walked up through pine woods to
Gnadenwald where we had tea - charming little place. Mother Hugo
and Molly drove back - we walked and had 25 minutes in Hall before
the 6.30 tram. Went to the church and the M¸nzer Thurm - charming
little place. The light down the valley too lovely - fleecy clouds on the
hillsides - Innsbr¸ck in a sea of misty sunshine and the long line of
poplars down the road, some standing out against the light, some
black and shadowy in the mist, looked as if they were planted to show
all the effects of sunset atmosphere. Home at 7. Swift.

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