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37.92414543, 40.21302382
Sat May 6 [6 May 1911] Wrote letters. Thomas Ef. presented my
letter from Khalil to the Vali and got permission for the planning of the
mosque but the citadel church is shut by direct order from C'ple
[Istanbul (Constantinople)]. The Vali, Ghalib Pasha, telegraphed to
Khalil asking him to get permission from Mahmud Shevket. After
lunch I called on the Vali, a charming man speaking French. He
delighted me by saying that nothing was done[?] with Inshallah and
Mashallah. He said Ibrahim Pasha might have been used and not
destroyed. With his consent I telegraphed to Sami and asked him to
intercede with M. Shevket about the church. Ghalib Pasha's people
came from Servia, emigrated to C'ple after the Russian war, and
thence to Smyrna [Izmir]. He has a long official experience, as he told
me, being with Nazim of Smyrna, one of the few civilians now
employed who has. Photographed some inscrips on the N side of
the city walls and had coffee at the Bab el Jebel.