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Wed May 3 [3 May 1911] At 5.30 Temp 58 Bar 27.1. Went out to the
mosque early to photograph the N wall as soon as the sun touched it,
which I did. Worked there till 9, then to the domed church for a few
photographs, then to the minaret outside the town where I worked at
the inscriptions with a bimbashi till 11.30. After lunch the Jacobite
priest came to beg. They all complain that the Xians are much
oppressed in the town though things are better in the hills. The
Kaimmakam is no good, and there is a fanatical mufti. Also the
repairing of the mosque causes great heart burnings[?]. They think it
was a church, in which they are wrong, and they say the Moslems wish
to turn the basilica into a medresseh and beg me to interfere. After
lunch a little more photography, then to call on the Kaimmakam and
his family (she greeted me with "Addio!") the binbashi and the
Chaldaean priest. 70? in the shade today at 2.30 PM.