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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

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Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
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1 entry, paper
Iraq ยป Hatra

35.5759563, 42.73449897

Within (Meters)

Fri Ap 7. [7 April 1911] Sent off the caravan early but without success
for they cd not find the road and waited for me. General strike in the
works; the begat much perplexed. Off at 7.45 and found the caravan
1/4 hour later. They took 11 hrs marching to Hatra [Hadr, Al]. The
direction is 10 degs N of W from Shergat [Sharqat] to Hatra. Rolling
steppe the whole way. We presently got a Jeburi guide who came
with us till at 12 we reached the top of the rise and saw Shergat mound
on one side and Hatra on the other. I lunched and rode by the
compass till we saw Hatra again. Then rode on into the Wadi
Tharthar [Tharthar, Wadi ath] which we crossed. There was a good
deal of water in the ghadir - bitter salt. Tents of the Hadidiyin. So up
to the ruined town which seemed at first quite empty but presently saw
tents above the palace and found the court full of tents and men.
Ferid Bey and Aziz Beg, the doctor had gone to the Khabur. The
Idara Raisi made me welcome and took me to Ismail Beg Chachan a
cavalry officer. I looked at the ruins a little and when the baggage
came in we camped beyond Riza Beg's empty tent which was
guarded by a couple of cannon. Grey and heavy night. The ruins
make a splendid impression; enormous vaults in fine masonry. The
great skeleton of a town lies out upon the grass pain. All the wells

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