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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 entry, paper
Crowfoot, John Winter
Littmann, Enno
Egypt ยป Cairo

30.051313, 31.244312

Within (Meters)

Wed 11th [11 January 1911] Went out early to Diemer' s. Littmann
came at 9.30. At 10.30 we went to the Library and talked with Moritz till
near 1 when I came back to see Ernest. Mr Crowfoot lunched and we
went with Littmann and Moritz to Ibn Tulun where there is still so much
work to be done. Samarra circle inside square on on the walls and on
the outer walls. The battlements old and so are the corner pinnacles
of which but 2 remain. The tower is a great difficulty. It has been so
much repaired and rebuilt. On the N outer wall a bit of Fatimid plaster
decoration round the niche. 5 doors in the N wall and 6 in the E. 5
corresponding doors in the E outer wall. The main mihrab is I think all
Ibn Tulun. The mouldings are those of the Samarra door and there is
an Ibn Tulun inscrip. above them. Ibn Tulun plaster work on the
intrados of the arches on W side and ditto wood work visible in the
lintels of 2 of the doors, the [sketch of circle in square] decoration
reappears frequently in the plaster work. Then with Littmann to the
Fatimid mosque by the Bab Zawileh and so home at 6. Dined with the
Crowfoots. He has a plan of an interesting Nubian church, like some
of Littmann's Abyssinian he says.

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