About this item
37.548333, 40.960556
Sat May 29. [29 May 1909] At which I did a few minutes work in the
morning. Then with Fattuh to the shop of one Galleh Hormuz, a rich
merchant. He took me to Mar Shimuneh where I saw two evangils,
one illuminated. Then back to the shop to interview the other bp
about the Xian sheep. He abused the Chelabi and so did Galleh;
they said Zakhuran was his own people, the Mukhtar his cousin, he
wd certainly try to get them off at the expense of the Xians. So I wrote
a letter for the release of the sheep of Shahrika and Shapisna and
gave it to the Kaimmakam who had now turned up. I borrowed £T5 off
him and set off at 7.55 with a very nice zaptieh. At 8.30 we passed
Este. At 10.15 we got to Kenderib[?] and found there Thomas Effendi,
the dragoman from Diarbekr [Diyarbakir (Amida)] with 3 esterlis. So I
dismissed my zaptieh with regret and at 10.50 we rode off together.
He gave me news of the massacres at Adana [(Seyhan, Ataniya)]
and said they had all been in fear of their lives. At 11.20 we reached
Apsheh. At 12.15 we lunched under a tree for 1/2 an hour - poor
Thomas had come 16 hours yesterday - 5 today before he met me.
At 1.10 Haldakh. Then into rocky hills and down a valley to Killeth
which we reached at 4. Thomas knows the Yezidis well. He says
Malek Ta'ous is the fallen angel and the Yezidis worship him
because they think God will some day take him back into favour and
then it will be best to be on the right side of Him. They are all Kurds.