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37.441563, 33.164687
Thurs June 6. [6 June 1907] The wind continued and made work
almost impossible. I went down to 7 and in wind and dust drew and
measured till I was almost mad. Then I came up and drew out what I
had done. But I have not dug enough here and I fear I must come
back to it. I then went down to the mosque in the village which is a
church of the usual basilica type destroyed and rebuilt. The outline of
the apse is visible outside the mosque wall. They have made a
window in this wall at this place. There are some interesting and
curious bits of elaborate decoration, two carved fragments that look
like doorposts or columns carved on two sides with delicate entrelac.
Another broken bit let into the floor, a sort of floral pattern making
arcades and another bit in the S wall. I then went on to the mausoleum
and measured it which was as well as Holtzmann has no ground plan.
In the afternoon Sir W [William Ramsay] and I went round all the E
and middle churches. No 1 is repaired exactly on the same plan as 6
with sloping vaults. We have got an inscription on the centre column,
very late, perhaps 12th cent, and a puzzling inscribed stone in the
foundations. Sir W thinks the walled town may have gone on being
Xian and the upper town Seljuk. There is no mosque in the fort. One
of the last of the Xians may have cut his epitaph in the then ruined No
1 outside the walls and he may be buried there. We placed all the
ruined churches and found a Ro cross on a house lintel. We also
measured the N and S doors of 21 and found them to be exactly
opposite. So home past 5. The wind dropped after tea, a blessed