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37.441563, 33.164687
Wed June 5. [5 June 1907] Rode half up Kartalik Dagh and took a
rubbing of a cap R [Ramsay] had found. Then came down and went
round the walls of the village with R and Lady R. We conclude that it
is very late, later than No 3, probably a last defence of the Xians
against the Seljuks rather than of the Seljuks against the nomads.
This on account of the extreme badness of what building we have
been able to date at post Xian. Anyhow it was probably thrown up in a
great hurry. Only 2 crosses to be found on it all and those most likely
on older stones. Every kind of fragment built in. After lunch went down
and planned 7 with great trouble. Drew it out after tea. I think the
narthex has nothing to do with the big apse. It is not even in line with it.
We opened out a sarcoph near by and discovered a very curious
sculpture of a man sparring with a lion and a vase between. R says
the man is in the dress of a Hittite priest and the sculpture is probably
a reminiscence of a very old tradition of decoration. Mr Robinson left
this morning. The post brought me a delightful letter from Sir W
Garstin about my book. Horrible wind.